Global Warming Could Spread US Ragweed to UK, Causing Misery for Hayfever Sufferers

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Global warming could spread US ragweed to UK, causing misery for hayfever sufferersClimate change could help the invasive weed from north America, that triggers severe allergic reactions, become common across the UK by 2050, experts have warned Climate change could help a notorious invasive weed known to trigger severe allergy…  Source:

GR:  Over recent centuries, people have introduced many invasive species to North and South America.  New World invasive species are fewer, but there have been a few troublesome species introduced to the Old World.  One should note that most of the damage caused by invasive species is by replacing native species.  Whole ecosystems can collapse if too many natives are lost.

See on – GarryRogers NatCon News