An advertisement for the event can be found here.
The Dirty Weather Report is similar to the 24 Hours of Reality event that The Climate Reality Project put on last year, traveling across the world bringing a live stream of speakers on the subject. Last year the focus was on how oil companies have been discrediting climate change and making an effort to point out the deniers. This year’s theme of extreme weather fueled by climate change couldn’t come at a better time as the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy leaves tens of thousands of people without power a full two weeks after it made initial landfall.
The video advertisement of the event above is humorous, but it highlights a truth. As I stated in last week’s post, Hurricane Sandy could have occurred in a world without climate change, but climate change fueled the storm to be more destructive. This means future weather will be more extreme, which doesn’t just translate into more damage from storms, but also huge economic impacts as well. If croplands are being damaged by weather, food prices are going to go up. This means people living in areas not physically impacted by severe weather will most certainly be economically impacted. Climate change isn’t a local event, it is going to affect every one of us in one way or another.
So even though you probably can’t watch all 24 hours of programming during the 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report, at least tune in and see where in the world the show is.
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