Anyway, I just wanted to give a little update on what's going on with know to keep you in the loop!
I know it's hard for people to see what I'm doing, since I'm currently doing most of the planning and back end stuff, but I promise that I haven't quit! Starting a business takes a lot more time & money than I anticipated, but I can tell you one's not stopping me. I'm also working a lot at my other job right now. In case you didn't know, this is the time of the year where it starts getting brutally hot in Florida. I work for an A/C company so needless to say, this is our busy season. We will be running around like crazies until about October/November. I work there during the day, then come home and work on Glisten stuff at night. Plus I have to keep on top of my own training sessions & eating clean. Along with trying to have a decent social life, I find myself getting pretty exhausted lately.
When I announced Glisten to y' was barely in the works. An idea that I had and wanted to bring to life. I was too excited to keep it from you though. So you have to understand that I'm in the very early stages of the launch process...aka the planning and behind the scenes stuff. I'm doing lots of research and planning. LOTS. I'm trying to build a brand. And I don't want anything to go live until I have something AWESOME to present to y'all. I know it won't be perfect or complete when I do launch, but I want it to have substance, if that makes any sense.

Here's what I've done:
- Took and passed my NASM-CPT exam. Kind of an important step in the process ;)
- Hired a web host & designer. I have been corresponding with him for a few weeks and he knows what I'm looking for. I've given him all the info that I can so he's busy working his magic to make my site come to life :)
- Made my business official with the State of Florida. I am officially the owner/operating manager of Glisten Fit, LLC. I needed to do this, because although Glisten will be mostly online-based, I'm still going to be offering in-person training to locals.
- Bought insurance so that I can work as a personal trainer.
- Created a weekly schedule for posts on the Glisten blog. I have a theme for every weekday.
- Created a Twitter and Facebook page for Glisten. I haven't been using them too much, but once the website is launched I will be using them way more often.
- Created a Storeenvy site to sell the tank tops and other Glisten gear. My web designer is gonna spruce this up so that it matches the website.
- Bought a camera that I can use to record workout videos on. I also bought Photoshop Elements so that I can create printable workout routines for y'all to be able to take to the gym with you :)
Here's what's in the works:
- My logo has just been completed (my designer wants to clean it up a little bit but the idea is set) so I'm planning on having Glisten tank tops ASAP!
- Sometime this year I'm going to study to become a NASM-FNS (Fitness Nutrition Specialist) so that I can help people build meal plans to go with the workout plans that I help them create.
- I'll be teaching bootcamp classes locally so I'm working on getting permits and equipment for those.
- I decided on a company to print the tanks, so I have to make time to go meet with them once the logo is finalized.
- I need to quit being a baby and get over my insecurities of filming workout videos. Granted, I won't be posting them until the Glisten site is up, so I have a few weeks left to build my courage up. Don't y'all worry...the videos are NOT an option. They will be happening ;)
- Wait patiently for the website to be completed :)
My mom sent me that the other day and I just loved it too much not to share!
I promise to keep y'all updated every step along the way :)
And thank you times a million for your patience and endless keeps me going!