Glenn Beck Officially Declares Himself A 'Rodeo Clown' In Solidarity With Controversial Obama Clown (Awesome Video)

Posted on the 14 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Glenn Beck takes on the idiocy surrounding the fake outrage on the part of liberals over the rodeo clown that put on an Obama mask and the way they have banned the clown for life from the state fair, with some calling to have the clown banned from the clown association. He also addresses the ridiculous suggestion by liberals that the Secret Service investigate the clown.
Beck points out that the people that generally attend rodeos would react badly should the associations go through with such a ban, saying they would "forever damage rodeos," potentially "shutting them down" because the "clear-thinking, common-sense farmers, cowboys, straight-ahead Americans" would stop attending out of disgust with the "politically-correct" decision.
He then declares himself officially a rodeo clown, pointing out that we are all rodeo clowns.
Beck isn't the only one speaking up and showing solidarity with the rodeo clown, as a GOP Congressman is inviting the controversial clown to perform in Texas!

Cross posted to Before It's News