Glamorous 1950s Winter Wedding Inspiration Shoot

By Claire

I was going to call this blog post "one lucky man's day out" but I thought that would be a bit naughty. I'd better hand over to Carla...

We wanted the shoot to epit­o­mize the grandeur of the socialites of the 1950s — choos­ing to steer clear of the stereo­typ­i­cal milk­shake shop image of the era and instead bas­ing our shoot on the style of wed­ding that would have been attended by the rich and wealthy.

“I had posted a request on Twit­ter ask­ing if there were any make up artists and styl­ists inter­ested in col­lab­o­rat­ing for a pho­to­shoot I wanted to cre­ate. I had been search­ing for the per­fect sup­pli­ers for a bridal shoot and when Alex got in touch, I knew from the very first email exchange that we would be work­ing together. Since then, and it has only been just over 6 weeks!, Alex and I have not just pulled off a shoot that was even bet­ter than we could have expected, but we have also become good friends, cock­tail bud­dies and soon to be wed­ding fair partners!

What began as a ‘small shoot’ rapidly grew to one of epic pro­por­tions — with five amaz­ing mod­els and some of the most won­der­ful sup­pli­ers we could have asked for! From the out­set we decided on a ‘glam­orous 1950s win­ter wed­ding’ — to com­bine our love of 1950s fash­ion and the glam­our of a bygone era. We got in touch with lots of sup­pli­ers but a few stood out and were really help­ful in bring­ing our vision to life. Boards on Pin­ter­est were shared to help us col­lab­o­rate the hun­dreds of ideas we both had and inspired us to include a boudoir ses­sion in the shoot, a ser­vice that I also offer. From this we put together a ‘story’ to help our sup­pli­ers under­stand the look and feel we were aim­ing for.

Our first step was to involve the beau­ti­ful Hempel Hotel in Lon­don — the hotel is absolutely stun­ning with a min­i­mal­ist take on lux­ury — it pro­vided the per­fect back­drop to the gor­geous dresses and acces­sories we were using.

It was impor­tant to us that the look we cre­ated was achiev­able for the every­day bride on a bud­get and so table set­tings were crafted sim­ply and we stuck to state­ment pieces in the form of the dress, flow­ers and the cake — some­thing that would be eas­ily achieved. We had the mantra of ‘less is more’ and focused on the beau­ti­ful details of the shoot, using the sur­round­ings to cre­ate beau­ti­ful images.“

1950s win­ter wed­ding shoot — suppliers

There’s even more on the Fifties Wed­ding blog — so if you’re plan­ning a 1950s wed­ding the details, dresses, lin­gerie and much more infor­ma­tion are shown here: