Giving Tuesday: Shot @Life

By Secondchancesgirl
I am joining The Motherhood to support Shot at Life and help end Polio for children everywhere. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. 

Polio....yes it still exists and yes it affects children!As long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat to children everywhere. Today, we're 99% of the way to eradicating polio all together. We need to finish the job! Let's dance because a world without polio is a world where every child can dance no matter where they live!
Today, on Giving Tuesday, let's dance and beat polio! This year, Shot@Life, is encouraging everyone to record and post a dance video on social media, tag your friends and donate! Wondering why dancing? Well, polio is a debilitating disease that can cause paralysis and impedes a child's ability to walk or dance. I know my children love to dance. I could never imagine them not being able to!
Our family is on board! I've posted videos of my kids dancing all over social media! Now it's your turn! Get your family involved because if we don't come together to erase this horrible disease,  we could see a global resurgence of the disease, with as many as 200,000 new cases each year within a decade and that is completely unacceptable!!