Giving the Kids an Updated and Colorful Bathroom Makeover!

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
We decided to take a family vacation this weekend and we traveled to Snow Shoe West Va.  Where it was 0% at times with a wind chill that put us in the negatives!  The first two days were bitter cold to the point where I felt rigamortis had set in and I had only been outside for 10 minutes, lol.    The kids on the other hand where so much braver than I was.  They had a blast learning how to ski and today the weather was great!  The sun came out, the temperatures rose up to the 40's, and I was able to stay out a little longer and ski.  So now as my family heads back out in the cold evening weather to get in their last ski session, I decided to put a little time into deciding some things for my upcoming project that I am really happy about...  THE KIDS BATHROOM!    Here is a photo of the bathroom...   Giving the Kids an Updated and Colorful Bathroom Makeover!  Actually, right now we have a plain white plastic shower curtain hanging up since my husband thought this one was not "kid like" and he took it out.  So a blob of beige and white is what we are actually working with.  The floor is laminate, but I am hoping to do a gray slate tile floor.     Giving the Kids an Updated and Colorful Bathroom Makeover! VIA   We previously did this type of board and batten treatment in our First Floor Coastal Bathroom Renovation and still love how it looks!  I figured with some silver hooks and numbers, just like the amazing photo above, both of my kiddos and a guest could have their own towel hook.  The guest meaning my sister who likes to use the floor as her towel holder ;-)     Here are my choices for wall colors:   Martha Stewart's Azurite by Home Depot   Giving the Kids an Updated and Colorful Bathroom Makeover!     Repose Gray By Sherwin Williams     I'm leaning towards the Repose Gray since I think it will give more of a contrast against the navy and white striped shower curtain.     VIA What do you think of the look of two shower curtains instead of one?  It just turns your bathroom into a picture window basically and I kinda dig it!  Plus as a bonus, my kids would like it, since they are sorta scared of closed shower curtains, lol.  They always push open the curtain and I always close it so I can see the pattern, so now we could all be happy.     I wanted the West Elm Navy and White shower curtain, but realized if I was going to do two curtains, I would need to go with a more budget friendly option, so I chose Target's striped Navy and White Shower Curtain for $14.99 each.     Sorry the photo is blurry, but it was taken with my phone that apparently had a lovely smudge across the lens.    VIA Here it is online, although I couldn't find it on Target's website, it is in stores.  It is a cotton blend material.   What I thought I would do to make it more of a custom made piece is add a solid piece of navy blue material to the bottom of each curtain so that the Navy blue piece will go up to the top of the bath tub and the striped material will go the rest of the way up.  It's the same affect that you give to windows to make them feel much larger than they really are.  To give you an example, here are the curtains that I had made for a client recently for her Living Room Makeover.        The sandy beige color meets the steely blue tone right at the window sill where my navy material will meet the navy and white striped material at the top of the bathtub.  I think it will make everything look finished off.   I can't wait to get in there to start making some changes, freshen things up, and make it really nice for my kids!   I am going to put together the design board for it in an upcoming post and also give you all of the sources for the items and supplies that I purchase for the room.  Take care for now!   If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along!
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Seaside Interiors