Giving Literary Thanks, Year 2

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Last Thanksgiving, I told you about some literary-related things I’m thankful for. Tomorrow, Thanksgiving returns here in the United States, so let’s do it again!

In the world of book geekdom, literary nerdiness, and blogging in 2013, what am I thankful for? Or, for you grammarians who abide by outdated grammar rules—for what am I thankful?

My wife. Not only does she love to read, she puts up with my reading and blogging obsession. Plus, she’s willing to tell me when she thinks a blog post sucks.

My mom. She helped me learn to read and she passed on her love of reading to me.

WordPress. These guys have, by far, the best blogging platform available, and they make it unbelievably easy for a technophobe like me to write blog posts without worrying about the technical end of maintaining a blog. Plus, they profiled 101 Books this year, so you know I’m thankful for that.

James Agee. You wrote the highest-ranked novel (A Death In The Family is ranked #4 ) on my list that I read in 2013, plus you’re from Tennessee, so we’re all right.

My Macbook Air. You are my mobile blogging fortress. Without you, I’d be a man glued to a desk.

Kids books. I’ve been reading a lot of them these days–to my son, of course.

Google’s search engine. It’s provided endless entertainment to me (and hopefully you) over the last few years in the Your Search Questions Answered series.

Book publishers. Because they publish books, and I hope they’ll commit to publishing my book next year.

1554 beer. It’s my new favorite brew while late-night blogging or reading.

Trees. You make paper, and I love the smell and the feel of paper in a good book.

Editors. Because you clean up my crap, and every writer should have one of you, and I wrote a post about you, and you probably should come and edit this sentence, but I don’t have an editor for my blog, only during the day when I’m at work.

People who don’t say cheesy, trendy words and phrases, like “awesome sauce” and “amazeballs” and “like a boss.”

My fellow book bloggers, like many of you on my Friends of 101 Books page, who show how fun it can be to read books.

Jonathan Franzen. Because when I need an example of a literary snob, you’re always there for me.

All of you, whether you’re a frequent commenter or a daily blog stalker, I’m thankful for all of you guys for visiting 101 Books and making this a fun, quirky part of the bookish internet.

Thanks again, guys. If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great one!

101 Books will be taking a vacation tomorrow and Friday, but I’ll return on Monday, December 2.

Happy Thanksgiving!