Giveaways Galore!

By Kidfreeliving @kidfreeliving

Thank you to everyone who sent me ideas for Mother’s Day – there were a lot of good ones in there – hopefully some of you received some inspiration as well!

I’ve got the bother-in-law (not a typo) coming over today so wish me luck. But in the meantime – I have a TON of giveaways going on right now, so I’m sending them to you! You can win books, a Kindle Fire, or Amazon Gift Cards!

And since I usually try to write something funny here, I’ll share my current favorite joke:

What was the pirate’s favorite letter?

You’d think it was Rrrrr…but his first love be the C! Ha!

Giveaways Galore

Three new giveaways for you to enter! Win books, a Kindle, and $$$!

Win some literary ebooks!

Henery Press Cozy Mystery Giveaway! May 10-16

Win some money! 

Are you a member of BookBub? If so, help these authors! BookBub is offering special marketing abilities to authors with 1000 or more followers. I have 927. ARG!! Follow one or more of these authors on BookBub today and enter to win one of four $20 Amazon gift certificates!

Anna Burke: Cozy mysteries | Duncan Whitehead: Cozy mysteries
Joanna Campbell Slan:  Mysteries and Suspense, Non-fiction, historical fiction, self-help, how-to, crafts, short stories, anthologies
Amy Vansant: Cozy Mysteries, Urban Fantasy, Romantic Suspense, Romantic Comedies

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