Give Your Stage Presentations the Apple Touch

Posted on the 27 May 2015 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
  • May 27, 2015
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Give Your Stage Presentations the Apple Touch

Apple doesn’t just make well-designed products. They also know how to market them with creativity, flair, and even a touch of suspense. And the company’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, set a high bar for corporate product presentations.

Writing on Slideshare, Toke Kruse highlighted some lessons that all marketers can take to heart to deliver more effective presentations at the next trade show or corporate launch event. (Always remember, Apple started in a garage, too.)

Make a Personal Connection

Steve Jobs spoke to large groups of people. But he also managed to address his audience as individuals. Part of the trick is to share personal anecdotes about your own life, which allows your audience to relate and say, “Yeah, I know the feeling.”

Build Suspense

Steve Jobs knew how to build anticipation to the point where audiences were at the edge of their seats. He also became famous for teasing the crowd with a seemingly throwaway line toward the end of his talks, saying that there might be “one more thing.” A lot of preparation is needed to develop good pacing and dynamics. Also a lot of practice in the delivery.

As a company, Apple also has a history of carefully keeping product details secret before they’re announced to the public—not only to protect proprietary information but also to build suspense.

Be Bold

Steve Jobs’ passion and belief in his work was obvious to all. Perhaps no episode illustrates his passion and boldness better than the story of his meeting with Pepsi’s then-CEO John Scully. In an effort to convince Scully to join Apple, Jobs challenged him by asking, “Do you want to sell sugar-water for the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?” Jobs brought the same bold passion to his presentations.

A great product, a strong script, dynamic visuals and a cutting-edge media tools all contribute to an impactful presentation. But it has to start with you. Have confidence that your product or service can actually make a positive difference in people’s lives, and share your passion by showing the way.

For more tips on event marketing, check out: “How To Promote Your Event Without a Media Budget” and “Five Ways to Generate Sales Leads through Speaking Engagements”