Give Dr. Tim Hands 3,000 Lines!

By Davidduff

I don't know what he's a doctor of but I hope it's not education!  This prime example of why our 'edukashun sistim' is crap is actually the Master of Magdalen College School, Oxford and is about to become the chairman of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference which represents 250 leading private schools.  So, if you are paying oodles and boodles to have your 'lickle kiddie winkie' privately educated - think hard!

This latter-day Holofernes reckons that the government's desire to increase the number of Shakespeare plays to be studied at schools will amount to "force feeding".  Good heavens, you might be thinking, how many will the poor little dears have to study - six? - eight? - fifteen?  No, two, actually!  Golly gosh, two whole plays, how will they manage?  Of course, in recent years all they have had to, er, 'study' were brief extracts from some of the plays - so that will have given them an excellent idea of Shakespeare's genius - not!

I agree that teaching Shakespeare is not easy and it is made no easier by the fact that most of today's teachers have only the barest knowledge of the man's work, and that is before one considers the actual mechanics of how to teach the subject.  The best way, of course, is to treat the plays as, um, plays which is what they are - surprise, surprise - and get the pupils to act them!  Once they have been forced to breathe their own life into a role it will live for them.  Oh, I forgot, in Dr.(?) Hands' probable opinion the 'likle kiddie winkies' must never be forced into anything!