Give Back and Celebrate World Food Day

By Melody Schubert @USATM

Many people facing hunger may not have access or be able to afford to visit a Farmer's Market. Other people may struggle to make ends meet with limited funds for food. Food banks help those facing this and other struggles.

Did You Know? High protein items like peanut butter and soups are among the top requested items at food pantries.

Community resources that include businesses, local charities, and regional residents are the heart of food pantries.

We thank all of you for your kindness and contributions! A Visit To Local Farmers

Another way to support our neighbors and community is by shopping at your local Farmer's Markets. At these markets you find fresh produce, as well as tasty treats and creative works. We love locally grown food when we travel, which is perfect for picnics. Just drop by a regional market, pick up fresh fruits and veggies, (Sometimes, they even have cheese) and you're on your way!

Celebrating World Food Day - Look for volunteer opportunities at local pantries and organizations.

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