Give a Frock Friday

By Heidi @missfinn

A beautifully captured image of this Chloè Spring Summer 2012 dress in full street style mode! I chose a Chloè dress today in honor of my daughter Chloè’s 9th birthday, happy birthday to my beautiful, horse-mad, always happy, smiley girl!

I’m posting early today as we are heading straight out for dinner tonight to celebrate, I spent all afternoon yesterday baking cupcakes for Chloè to take to class today and for us to take to dinner tonight. Vanilla and gluten-free for school and strawberry and cream for us! I didn’t get time to spray the horses silver to put on top, so I’m going to hold onto that idea for next year.

It’s also the birthday today of my two oldest and dearest friends, and tomorrow evening hubby and I are going to Brisbane to help them celebrate, can’t wait! Happy Birthday Mand and Deb, I love you! xxoo

I hope you all have an amazing and relaxing weekend. xx