Give a Frock Friday

By Heidi @missfinn
Vogue Turkey's Editor-at-large, Ece Sukan wearing a vintage dress. So what is an editor-at-large, and what do they do?

Ok, so essentially, an Editor-at-large is someone who contributes content to a magazine not necessarily by assignment. They do not generally take part in or have much say on the layout, pictures or general day-to-day running of a magazine. But the freedom to follow your own interests and not have to pitch ideas to the editor-in-chief must be so much fun. Sounds like my kind of job actually! The Sartorialist recently spoke to Ece Sukan and here is a little excerpt for you.
Current career? I’m currently the Editor-at-Large for Vogue Turkey
How do you creatively approach getting dressed?
Improvisation is so important! It’s not just about how I feel that day, it’s experimental, impulsive and (I think) intuitive. I have a very eclectic style, so I like to mix my feelings with colors, periods and themes. I’m not sure how people plan the night before.
What do you feel best when wearing? Dresses! I love wearing them at any length; long, short, knee-length. A mannish elegance can be very femme too, but I am one for dresses.
Do you focus on any specific designers or time periods when collecting vintage? I would be very happy with a retrospective of YSL in my wardrobe, and I especially love the 70s and 80s.  When I saw the exhibition 2 years ago at the Grand Palais I had this feeling that it’s all been done, there’s nothing much left to do. I also collect a lot of Art Deco Bijoux. I search everywhere but find the best vintage in New York, Miami, Paris, and London.
Always make time for… No matter how busy I am I create time for myself to practice yoga and go to the gym. I also make sure to go to art and design fairs, there is endless inspiration and energy, Art Basel for example.

What do you always make time for? For me it is reading a story to my girls before they go to sleep, always yoga and baking for school lunches on a Sunday. 
It has been a big week. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I plan on making time to have a bit of a lie-in on Sunday morning. 
The sun is shining, the moon is full, the beach is calling me...
Have a great weekend. Heidi Sources:, Photography by Courtney D'Alesio via