Give A Book to A Child : International Book Giving Day {14th Feb}

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
 I am delighted to  be taking part in the third annual 100 Acts of Kindness Project hosted by Toddler Approved. The project began January 21 and the idea is to perform 100 acts of kindness between then and February 14, when there will be a giant kindess celebration on Valentines Day. Pop over to Toddler Approved for all the details. There are weekly challenges and daily ideas to inspire you. 

As you know we love love love reading here at Smiling like Sunshine HQ. I think you can never have too many books. But it is also wonderful to donate some of our books. It gives the pleasure of  sharing the joy of reading. 

Last year, my friends Amy from Delightful Childrens Books and Zoe from Playing By the Book started a great initiative: The International Book Giving Day. International Book Giving Day is a day dedicated to getting new, used and borrowed books in the hands of as many children as possible.

Designed by Vivian Schwartz

The  focus is on encouraging people worldwide to give a book to a child on February 14th. 

They invite everyone to 
1) give a book to a friend or family member, 
2) leave a book in a waiting room for children to read, or 
3) donate a gently used book to a local library, hospital or shelter or to an organization that distributes used books to children in need internationally.

Last year, we donated some books to our surgery and this year, we will be donating books to a dentist. Last weekend,we have gone through the shelves and chose the books together with the children.

On the 14th of February, we will visit the dentist's office and donate the books. It is a fantastic opportunity for the children to understand the importance of giving the books they no longer read for a good cause.

 Would you lile to  choose some books to donate this weekend? We would love for you to spread the word and join us on the 14th February! If you are a blogger, you can share your story about celebrating this special day and enter the Blog Hop. You can also share your photos on Instagram or Twitter by adding the tag #giveabook .
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