What is cutting?
Self-harm can be a way of coping with problems. It may help you express feelings you can’t put into words, distract you from your life, or release emotional pain. Afterwards, you probably feel better—at least for a little while. But then the painful feelings return, and you feel the urge to hurt yourself again. If you want to stop but don’t know how, remember this: you deserve to feel better, and you can get there without hurting yourself.The self-injury epidemic we're seeing is not restricted to secular girls and boys. Christian teens do it too. This article from Today's Christian Woman titled "The Razor's Edge: Why even Christian teens aren't immune from the epidemic of self-mutilation and what you can do" was written in 2004, so imagine how prevalent the self-injury epidemic is now over ten years later, with the world having gotten even more difficult, confusing, and evil for these impressionable teens.
It's more prevalent among Christian teens than people like to think," she says. "Self-injury is just beginning to be recognized and treated in Christian circles. If you do it, you feel like a freak. You feel unlovable, as if you were beyond God's grace. But a cutter needs to realize Jesus loves her as she is and that his atonement is sufficient for her sins."
If you took the time to watch the above video, I'll make two comments. Chris explained in an interview that he purposely adorned the gal with a yellow smiley tee shirt yet has a razor in her hand ready to cut herself. He did this to reflect the reality that so many youth today are depressed, confused, but don't show it on the outside yet feel intense despair in the inside. By God's grace, he received an email after publishing this particular video from a girl who simply said "I stopped cutting myself because of this video." Praise the Lord for that!
Christopher Powers is a talented animator who makes Christ-honoring and exalting videos and other visual resources for the edification of the members of the global church. He is immersed in making study guides to go along with each new video, perfect for small group study. Full of Eyes is a ministry that exists to provide these and other visual resources to people who want to spread the Gospel of the Glory of Jesus Christ. The images and videos can be useful to pastors, missionaries, and every Christian who wants to communicate with others about Christ.
Christopher’s theology is solid. He has recently finished seminary and is married with no children (yet). His aim is to work-full time on these resources and produce them in quality fashion, but quickly. You can support him with a one-time donation or each month through Patreon or Gaius. I support him through Patreon. You can give for as little as $1 per month.
Chris's website is www.fullofeyes.com. On that page you will find his Resources, all of which are free. The only item to pay for is the postal cost for mailing of the tract cards. All videos, study guides, artwork etc are free to use in the hopes that Christ is exalted and the Gospel is preached.
I bring this up for two reasons. Chris is a young man who is solidly Christ-centered. I personally believe when we find a young person willing to give all and risk all for the glory of Christ, and is as solid as he is, they should be promoted and supported and prayed for. Secondly, on the practical side, his work is spiritually moving and will definitely appeal to the young people he seeks to reach. Please consider sharing his work with the youth in your circle. Powers’ work is so much better than the watered down, meaningless, seeker-sensitive hogwash we are subjected to on a daily basis.
My favorites are the video animations “Dead Come Alive”, “All I Have is Christ,” and the tract cards.
Blessings, and thanks.
Further Reading:
Kids' Health: What is Cutting?
Teens Talk About Cutting
GotQuestions: What does the bible say about self-mutilation/cutting?
412 Teens: What Does the bible say about Self-Harm/Cutting?