Girls State/Boys State

Posted on the 23 May 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

This year, Apple released a documentary, Girls State, which I decided I had to check out. I ddidn’t realize it was technically a sequel, because documentary sequels are rare, but there was also boys State, which I had never seen and decided to check out. I’d love to buck the trend here, even as a mal critic, and tip my hat to the ladies, but there’s a contrast here. Although, both films have audio description of pretty similar quality.

The first film, Boys State,takes place in Texas. It features aspiring high school leaders who come together and form a fake government, run elections, campaign, and try and structure over a weekend. Like a really intense camp. Since this is Texas, this film quite unapologetically features a lot of what you’d expect. Republicans, Conservatives, Gun Supporters, etc. in fact, there’s one outlier kid who feels that he is basically the needle in this haystack.So, regardless of how I feel about what these kids are saying, i feel like it is honest.

Girls State, which takes place in Missouri, features the most liberal girls you could find. These girls are all about feminism, the right to choose, and gun regulations. The most conservative girl shown, would still be liberal at Boys State. Now, the problem I have is that they pull from all over the state, not just Kansas City and St Louis. The rest of this state, which I lived in and graduated high school from, is like a giant Proud boy rally. This is the birthplace of evangelicalism. Roy Blunt. Josh Hauley. While Missouri was once a blue state, thanks to two major cities, it has been chopped up and divided, so that the majority of the kids here should also be… auditioning to be the next Marjorie Taylor Green.

So, I feel like one film presented itself honestly, and the other chose a narrative. Of course, we all have our thoughts on issues, but I can’t pretend that Missouri is liberal just to make this film happy. I’d have a similar problem if we went to a blue state, and there were no liberals in attendance. You have to balance. As a documentarian, it is not your job to parse out the things that don’t fit your personal narrative, and only show things that align with your current set of beliefs. Boys State just presents as is, perhaps as a cautionary tale? but, Girls State tries to make it look like Missouri is populated by the fan club of AOC. And that just a fairy tale.

One thing I did pick up from Girls State was something that bothered me. When all is said and done, the boy who is elected Governor of Boys State is sworn in by the actual Governor. The girl who wins, is not. That is bullshit. Plain and simple. Misogynistic bullshit.

I’m not saying boys State is my favorite documentary either, it just feels more honest.

Final Grades:

Boys State: B

Girls State: C