Girl Talk: Welcome Back Updates

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

As you can see, My Girly Parts has a different look. We are also using instead of self-hosting. You may remember my previous post, Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow, in which I was saying good-bye to MGP due to following my passion. After getting a lot of feedback about the demise of MGP, I decided to keep it in its entirety and continue to keep it up.

How can I do this when I thought I’d be so busy with the shelter?

Let’s say, I have things under control and continue with my passion, my Pibbles & Me blog, and My Girly Parts. I may not post as often but I will continue to publish to My Girly Parts as well as accept Contributor posts as previously done.  MGP is still on Twitter at @MyGrlyPrts and instead of a Facebook page, we have a Facebook group in which things are a little more “private”. You can join the group HERE.


In other news, I have something personal to share with ya’ll.

Do you remember by scare about 5 months ago when I got an abnormal mammogram?

  • What? More Tests? Oh Those Tata’s
  • Breast Health: I Got Lucky This Time

Well my story isn’t over. Last week I started feeling pain in my right breast. Yes, this is the breast that two cysts were found in 5 months ago. The pain was when I breathed in but not every time. It progressively got worse and to the point I thought it was spreading across my chest to my left breast. I contacted my doctor who scheduled me an appointment for the following day. Taking Motrin helped ease the pain but it soon came back. Being this was the “bad” breast, I started to panic.

I went to visit my doctor, my family doctor, since my lady doc quit mid July. (Yes, I just found this out.) So my family doctor, who I like a lot, asked several questions and then wanted to examine my breast.


He found the pain! Apparently, the larger cyst was at 2 o’clock on my breast. He felt the cyst and it hurt when he pressed onto it. His diagnosis:  The cyst burst.


Yes, at this point a hundred questions came to mind and I just blurted them out as fast as he could answer them. At first he wanted to wait for September when I had a follow-up mammogram but he could see the panic in my eyes and said we’d schedule an ultrasound at the hospital to see what they saw. He state that sometimes these “fluid” breast cysts will burst and dissolve by themselves.

That’s fine and dandy but I want to be sure! So, my ultrasound is scheduled for this Tuesday.

My doctor also said to:

  • Cut out the caffeine. NONE!! And trust me, Day 1 without was a major detox which led to a massive headache turned migraine. Day 2, slight headache and now we’re on Day 4 and no headache. Shew! A lot easier than quitting smoking.
  • Limit my activity until after the ultrasound. So I’ve been laying “low”, not lifting nor running.
  • Take Motrin as needed for any pain.
  • Keep my breast supported. So yes, when I normally come home after work and jump out of the bolder holder! I’ve been staying in it until right before going to bed. This has been difficult for me but it must be done.

I haven’t had much pain the past day, until this afternoon. I’m having a light discomfort again in my breast so I’m very anxious for Tuesday to come.

Now I turn it over to you. If you’ve ever had breast cysts, have you ever had pain from them and/or had it burst? What about a surgical needle biopsy. Have you had one of those and if so, how was it? I’m scared I may have to have that now too.


WE’RE BACK! Glad all the great feedback ya’ll gave me led me to keeping MGP as it really is a great way to keep us girlies together! Don’t forget to resubscribe if you have too!