Gift Ideas for the Dog Lover

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Gift ideas for the dog lover

As many of you will be aware, I’m the owner of a gorgeous if a little crazy whippet called Cleo. She features in the blog header and if you ever come to visit me (or have a consultation) you will likely meet her as she rather likes to spend her time with me!

When I discovered these whippet (or greyhound) rings on Etsy recently (and you know I think Etsy is a brilliant place to discover unique accessories), I ordered one right away.

I posted a pic of my ring on Instagram and was asked “where do I get one” so I thought I’d share some of the Etsy sellers who make a variety of dog breed rings (as I know not all of you want a whippet on your finger) plus a few other great gift ideas for the dog lover in your life (Christmas is coming so maybe forward this to those who wonder what they can give you!).

Whippet Ring

Whippet/Greyhound/Italian Greyhound

Boxer Ring

Boxer Ring

Afghan Hound ring
Afghan Hound ring

Pug ring

Dachshund ring

Labrador Retriever Ring

Westie Ring

Pitbull necklace

Poodle necklace

Whippet necklace

Most of these Etsy sellers make a variety of different breeds (and even some other dog jewellery) so have a look at their entire range to find what you’re after!

Just showing you one other great Etsy seller that I love is my whippet watercolour illustration which I found through this seller.  They have a really broad range of dog and other animal illustrations that you can choose from!

dog illustrations
What a great little Christmas present one of these would be for the dog lover in your life.