Giants: The Launch’s Ethan Young Interview, Review, and 5 Quick Questions

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

CTV's The Launch brought us our last new artist of season one as Ethan Young's version of Giants was selected to be released after the sixth episode. The 13-year-old Toronto singer put everything he had into the recording and performing on the song, and it showed through the television screen that he loved what he was doing, and was ready for the opportunity.

We caught up with Ethan on the phone to talk about the show, the song, and what comes next for him.

Right off the top, we asked Ethan about his live performance of Giants, which he nailed. With his past as a member of the Mini Pops in mind, we wanted to know if he was able to rely on that experience. He told us that he has always kind of been the tall kid on stage flailing around a little, but now, with some experience, and on The Launch, he decided that he was just going to go for it. He gave everything he had, and it certainly showed, and it defiantly paid off.

We also asked about the recording process, with its tight time restrictions, and pressure. Ethan said that it was a little daunting to be in the studio space with Scott Borchetta (Big Machine Records), Boy George, Alessia Cara, and Stephan Moccio, but that he was able to get through it and record a vocal that he was happy with.

On the show, and on the phone, the idea of the song becoming his was present. And so we asked Ethan about new music, and what comes next. He told us that he and his manager have started working on an EP that should be ready for the world before the end of 2018. We followed up by asking if he enjoyed the creative process from the start of a song, which he didn't get to be a part of on the show. Unsurprisingly, he said he does, and he sounds passionate about the project, which always bodes well.

While we were on the phone with Ethan, we got him to play a round of 5 Quick Questions with us. Here we go...

5 Quick Questions with Ethan Young

Q1) Do you remember the first song you performed?

Ethan Young) Rihanna's Umbrella

Q2) What was your first album?

Ethan Young) Ethan told us that he was given a Taylor Swift album, that he played on repeat... often

Q3) Do you have a dream collaboration partner?

Ethan Young) Miley Cyrus because of her vibe, and her crazy talented voice.

Q4) Is there a City or Venue at the top of your wish list?

Ethan Young) The Air Canada Centre in Toronto is at the top of Ethan's list... with the chance to play in London, England coming in second.

Q5) Is there an artist that you think people should be listening to more?

Ethan Young) Billie Eilish - he told us that he loves her EP, dont smile at me, and that he thinks more people should be paying attention to her music.

Before we wrapped our call and conversation with Ethan Young, we asked if there was a favourite memory that he's taken from his experience on The Launch. He told us that his time with Alessia Cara (the Grammy-winning surprise bonus mentor on the episode) was a big highlight. He said that they had the chance to talk for about half an hour about everything that comes with making a career in music at a young age, the changes that it brings in life, and it gave Ethan both some easy to take in advice, as well as an opportunity to talk to someone who could relate to him and what he has already experienced in his young career.

With Giants already tearing up the airwaves, and more new music on the way, we're sure that we'll all be seeing more of Ethan Young in the very near future. Keep up with him on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to learn more about him, and to be ready for what he's got coming!

Giants was written by Stephan Moccio and Talay Riley, and produced by Stephan Moccio.