Ghost Town (2023) Movie Review

By Newguy

Ghost Town – Movie Review

Director: Owen Conway

Writer: Owen Conway (Screenplay)


  • Owen Conway (Eminence Hill)
  • Robert Sprayberry
  • Eva Hamilton (Ruin Me)
  • Becky Ho Harris (Spiked)
  • Robert Conway (Eminence Hill)

Plot: In the untamed West of Victorian-era America, a drifter takes a job as a barman in a small town. After a series of bizarre deaths, he soon finds himself the target of suspicion.

Runtime: 1 Hour 32 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Ghost Town starts when a lone drifter Solomon (Conway) finds himself in a West Victorian-era American town. Solomon gets himself a job as a barman in a salon working for Hagan (Sprayberry). A role where he must protect the women working in the salon Kate (Hamilton) and Stella (Harris) and maintain the standards.

It doesn’t take long before Solomon learns the ways of the salon and deals with the regulars. However, things take a turn when he starts seeing things that aren’t there and bodies start piling up.

Verdict on Ghost Town

Ghost Town is a horror western that follows a stranger joining a small town, getting a job only to find himself dealing with unexplained events. This sees him having to deal with basic western problems, but when things don’t add up, it only gets more confusing for him. Leading us down a path of wanting to know what happened in his past.

This is a movie that leads us down an interesting path. It starts with what seems like a generic idea, only for most of what we see to be turned on its head by the end of the movie. This is a movie that gets a big reward for the final act, which is the strongest part of the generic western we are seeing unfold. Owen Conway writes, directs and stars in the movie, carrying his vision throughout the film.

Final Thoughts Ghost Town is a great mystery that keeps you guessing.


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