Getting to Know You — Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

For the Getting to Know You mini-challenge of Bloggiesta hosted by Suey of It’s All About Books, I’m featuring new-to-me blogger Amanda of On a Book Bender. I don’t know quite how I’ve missed her before, especially since she worked on Midwestern Book Bloggers last fall but I was so busy then, I never clicked over to her blog. Here’s all the vital info, in case I’m not the last person in the book blog world to find her:

Blog: Amanda blogs at On a Book Bender with some review assistance from her friend, Kelly of Reading the Paranormal.

Other places to find Amanda:

Blogging topics: On a Book Bender highlights a variety of books in a lot fun ways. Right now, Amanda is co-hosting a vibrant read-along of Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi. Book reviews that appear on On a Book Bender are generally succinct, punchy, and nicely formatted with a cool graphic for rating the books. Most of the books reviewed are fiction, but one of the reasons I chose Amanda was because I enjoyed Lessons from Spark & Hustle, a post about a business book. If you appreciate the male physique, don’t miss Top Off Tuesdays with book covers where not much is covered.

Why I Chose Amanda: Amanda is hosting a terrific mini-challenge that I thought was the perfect starting place for my Bloggiesta: Through a Visitor’s Eyes. The challenge really did just as it said — got me to look at my blog as a visitor would see it. That experience is going to influence every other chore I do this weekend.

Check out On a Book Bender and tell Amanda that I sent you!