I apologize in advanced if there are tons of spelling mistakes and if the post is all over the place, I just got home from work where I started at a computer screen for 9 hours with no break. My eyes are tired, I'm tired... everything is tired! Actually, to be more accurate, everyone around me is sick! C, the poor guy, has been sick for almost a month. I don't know what he's got but it's awful. He's all congested, he lost his voice today, his throat hurts and he's tired a lot... I found out today that one of my bosses has the same thing, and a co-worker has been home sick all week with the flu. Knock on wood (knock, knock), I haven't caught anything yet this year. I'm going to blame that on all the clean eating I've been doing, and exercising, and staying healthy! Not that all the sick people out there aren't healthy.... hmm, am I digging myself into a hole?
Anyways, so because it's the new year, I kind of had to get my shit together and figure out what the hell I'm doing. Basically, last year (like 2 weeks ago) I'd just blog whenever, get all up in my social media outlets and then study whenever I could fit it in here and there. However - I need to get focused and start a plan of how I'm going to accomplish my goals for 2013... so I've started by making a schedule. It's a simple schedule really, I'm going to blog and study on alternating days. Easy peasy! So that's how it's going to be from now on... so don't expect a post from me tomorrow. Wait, not necessarily... Friday's can be both, same with weekends, so from Monday-Thursday it will be alternating days :).
Yesterday I did my first run of 2013!! I did a 4.5km run and I have to admit, it was hard!! It was cold, the wind was in my face a quarter of the time (I run a large city block which may consist of like 3 city blocks that I make into 1 big block and on one side of the block the wind was in my face) and it was lightly snowing. Actually, given the weather today, the weather yesterday was gorgeous. I went out alone and it was definitely a little bit therapeutic... I was so overwhelmed with the amount of emails in my inbox, the run just totally cleared my head and got me in the zone to work late last night! Go me!!
Michelle and I have officially booked our first race of #13in2013, it will be in Whitby, ON and it's on January 26th! I'm really excited because it's a 5km race put on by the Running Room but it's totally not timed so the stress factor goes waaaay down. It's on a Saturday afternoon which is super cool because we've planned a girls night for after the race which is safe to assume that means drinking some wine, gossiping, getting the details on her wedding planning and just plain ol' chit chat!
Another great thing that Michelle and Carly and Katy and I are doing this year is The Power Of Movement! It's in March and it's a huge group yoga class and we raise money for arthritis! Our team name is Hot Yogi's... and writing this is totally reminding me that I need to join our team ASAP... frig, so much to do, so little time. Also in March, actually in the same weekend as POM, GoodLife Fitness is hosting an amazing fundraiser called Spin 4 Kids! I'm taking part as part of a team from our Corporate Wellness department! Basically each team has to raise at least $1000 which "buys" us a bike for the 8 hour day, and someone has to be riding the bike at all times during the 8 hour time period. So if you have 8 people on your team, you each ride for an hour! We're raising money for the GoodLife Kids Foundation which helps provide grants to programs that help encourage kids to be physically active while trying to fight the childhood obesity epidemic! It's an amazing cause and if you're at all interested, you can click here to be taken to the link directly and register!!
Today I made a visit to a little health food store called the organic section of the grocery store. I was surprised at the neat things they have there! Although not a lot, they've picked some good things. I read that Michelle was doing a cleanse and I wanted to do one too... except I just wanted to cleanse my liver. I figure it's a good organ to focus on since all I've been doing is drinking wine and baileys and ceasers over the holidays, and vodka at new years, and vodka for C's birthday - basically everything has involved drinking lately and I wanted to clean out my liver! So I found this...
I read it and it's different herbs in a capsule that helps cleanse the toxins out of your liver. All organic and doesn't contain wheat, soy, dairy or sugar. I started tonight, so I'll let you know how it goes. Also, do you enjoy that photo? It's the first one I've taken with my new laptop's webcam!! So because of this cleanse, for the next 30 days I will be cutting back on the alcohol by a lot and eating healthy and exercising which is what they suggest to help the product work to it's full potential. I'll let you know if anything funky happens, or how I feel at the end!
Have you ever done a detox or cleanse before? How did you feel? Were there any weird side effects?
This weekend I'm going to be making an awesome new recipe out of 1 of the 2 new paleo cookbooks I got for Christmas so stay tuned for that!
Also - have you entered my giveaway for a piece of NutritionSnob clothing yet? Click here if you haven't!! :)
xoxo S