Getting My Craft on with Hillary’s #Hillaryscrafternoon

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

Every once in a while I get crafty. By that, I mean I pretend I'm good at crafting - and my latest attempt at it was sponsored by Hillary's. I was invited to attend a lovely little blogger get together near King's Cross Station at a place called Drink, Shop & Do - a really cool little shop, cafe and craft space right in the middle of Central London. Definitely somewhere I'd love to go again, perhaps with some girlfriends next time!

The Hillary's Crafternoon (London) was awesome and I learned to make a mini-jewellery box (which is possibly going to two little girls for Christmas) and little cloth poufs which I then used to make an awesome hair accessory! It's inspired me into thinking I can do this when I'm bored...but then I keep telling myself to hold my horses, because I have so many crafting stuff here at home to try that I should hold off on purchasing anymore before I even try these!

So we were first given a demonstration and verbal instructions as to how to make jewellery boxes, starting with a plain white box, some squares of cloth, wadding, a glue gun and double sided tape (my old nemesis..yes we meet again. Sorry been watching "Heroes" a bit too much). Then we were given written instructions and told to start....With crafts I always find it so amazing that such simple, seemingly unrelated items can create something awesome. And what's even more amazing is that someone as clumsy and messy as I am can actually make something halfway decent. I love my little jewellery box, except for one or two little mistakes that I would do differently....I especially love that I have now learnt how to make ring holders in the jewellery box. Those were awesome, although I know my two little munchkins in North London probably won't be using them for rings ... not sure what 3 and 5 year old nieces would use it for actually.

After we had tea and cake and all sorts of yummy goodies, amazing chatting with fellow bloggers and a few burns from the glue gun (ah reminiscent of good old Architectural studio days...), I had a completed and good looking (for the most part) jewellery box, covered with Hillary's Blinds fabric, ribbon and the cutest little flower button I've ever seen. I have to say my cake decorating came in handy a bit and I knew how to make a bow, all by myself, out of ribbon. Yes I'm pretty proud of that.

After that, we had a small break (more peppermint tea for me) and started making teeny poufs. It's amazing how the poufs are so cute, yet in raw, circular form are at least twice the diameter of the finished pouf. This little exercise is proof that I can still use a needle and thread without making myself bleed. I made three small poufs and then hot glued them onto a hair comb base with some fun netting and a lovely button (again). Am pretty proud of it, although I am not sure where I'd wear it. I'm still not quite as "British" as I could be, I suppose. Perhaps one day. In the meanwhile, I will look at it in adoration and love it to pieces.

In the end, Hillary's crafternoon was an awesome little venture out of my flat and into Central London. I met some amazing bloggers and saw some familiar faces and even ended up with something I never believed I would be able to create myself. It goes to show, as Nadiya from the Great British Bake Off said when she won, "I can and I will" (love that woman!). I am going to channel her as inspiration for my future, and if I see something I would love to learn to do, I am never going to say I can't do it. I can and I will. I encourage you to do the same. What's your next craft project?