Getting in the Write Frame of Mind

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni


I can equate the feeling of getting in the right frame of mind for yoga to getting in the right frame of mind for writing.

It’s time to stop finally stop saying you’re going to write it and actually do it.

All I can do is strongly encourage you to write, to tell the stories you have held deep inside of you. I can’t physically make you do it. But as your self-appointed writing yogi, I am hopeful that you’ll join me on this adventure we call #nanowrimo – National Novel Writing Month. Or, if you’re not ready to begin drafting your work, just grab a journal and have some fun with writing prompts that may lead to a draft down the road.

This is my passion, and we’re about to breathe it in and breathe it out.

So sharpen your pencils and flex those typing fingers. It’s about to get real on November 1.
