Getting Good Vanity Lighting in Your Bathroom

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores

One of the more important factors in your bathroom is the lighting. Not only does good lighting provide the pop your bathroom needs in its design, but it’s a practical need. It is important to have quality vanity lighting in order to properly inspect your teeth after brushing, your make-up after washing your face, and other actions you need to do to get ready for the day.

Test the lighting to make sure it is bright enough to for you to see details in your face when applying make-up or grooming, while also minimizing any shadows being cast on your face. Get lamps that can look good and add to your bathroom’s motif, but don’t shrug on the brightness. Make sure that the lighting in symmetrical in order to prevent uneven illumination. For a full article discuss bathroom lighting, click here:: Bathroom Workbook: How to Get Your Vanity Lighting Right