Getting Auto Insurance the EASY Way!

By Youngandcraftysisters

I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric® Community. #CollectiveBias has provided me with compensation for my time and effort to evaluate this website. Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
That title almost sounds like an oxymoron. Getting auto insurance is typically not easy. The first time I had to get auto insurance, I was about 19 years old. Needless to say, I was just a little bit overwhelmed! I had no clue where to even begin with such a gigantic task. I spent time calling about a million insurance companies to get quotes. It was very time consuming! If only this website would have been available back when I was first looking.
I headed to to check out and compare different insurance options. Right now the website is available for the states of Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Mississippi. One thing I loved about this site is that it gives you the option to pull from your current insurance company. It automatically plugs in most of the information for you with your vehicle type and premium information. That was such a time saver!
I was really excited to see if I had a great deal already or if I could find a cheaper option for insurance. #Compare2Win

These were the rates that I got. I like how it showed different prices for minimum coverage all the way to high coverage. It gives you a few options of different insurance companies also. Another plus is that it took me less than 10 minutes to complete everything to get my rates. If I were to switch to the minimum coverage option, I would save about $150 every six months.
There is no cost associated with searching and comparing quotes! Consumers can obtain a quote with no obligation to buy, giving them the control they want without the added pressure to purchase, consumers get a transparent and unbiased comparison to help them realize significant savings and have a greater piece of mind. also has a link to auto insurance 101. It has tons of information that is helpful when looking for insurance! I also like that it will give you local information for your state since every state has different laws.
Happy auto insurance shopping! Click to continue reading....