#GetClosergoFurther with Durex (Part 2)

By Stilettosanddiaperbags @Sadbblog
If you read my post from Friday, you know I am working with Durex on their #GetCloserGoFurther campaign.

They recently took a survey and here are their key findings:

 Do you agree with what they discovered?
I took the survey myself and wanted to share one of my answers with you.
Sex with an emotional connection: Yes, I agree sex is better with an emotional connection.
Was anyone else surprised to find 96% of men agreed with this too? I was! Sorry guys, not giving you enough credit where credit was due!
Obviously after 5 and 1/2 years together with my husband, we have an emotional connection.
Which is why I will share some of the items sent to us by Durex that are aiding in keeping our connection strong:
 Kind Notes.
These were sweet and they come in a very nice jar.
Each day we have been taking one note out and reading it. It's been nice to start the day off on the right (love) foot!
 I Dare You.
Okay, I show my hubby these, and they are all sealed so I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. At all. That's fine, we are in, lets do this.
Ryan opens one and it's like truth or dare. He got a question to ask me, I answered, easy.
My turn. I open the sealed envelope and can not stop laughing! Mine was a dare.
Now he's laughing too. 
My card was very descriptive and involved washing him sponge bath style. We could not stop giggling. Very mature of us I know, but we had no idea what to expect!
Super cute gift for newlyweds or couples who are in a bit of a sex rut, I can only imagine what the other cards say!
  We put ours in the bedside drawer and will save them for a rainy day. ;)
Next time we will be prepared as we now know what we will be getting ourselves into...

Spa and restaurant gift cards.
Thank you to Durex for allowing me to be part of this!
Follow along on twitter with the hashtag #GetCloserGoFurther
You can also visit www.durexusa.com/getcloser for more information about their products and ways to get closet with your partner!