Get Zola Blood’s Compelling Debut in Your Ears [stream]

Posted on the 27 October 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Sinister synths run their hands through the entirety Zola Blood’s debut EP, Meridian, but darkness never fully takes a grip due to balancing elements like the vocalist’s gentle falsetto and unaffected but sophisticated lyrics. The foursome crafted the tracks from the ground up, usually beginning with just a melody or lyrics then added texture upon texture until they ended up with something weighty and beautiful. Meridian’s sound draws you in and drowns you in the oily sleekness of its patiently-paced burn. From boldly industrial to hushed minimalism, the four-piece toy with their aesthetic and makes their sound compelling in the process.  Zola Blood are just making their way onto the scene but with such a substantial and impressive first release, there is no doubt that there will be more to follow. Listen to the title track from Zola Blood’s debut EP, Meridian, above, and stream all four tracks on their Soundcloud page.