Get Your GLO on with GLOsquad

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I recently discovered GLOsquad, a skin lounge just around the corner from my office in Greenwich, Connecticut, who believes that skin maintenance is a necessity not a luxury. 

What I love about the lounge is that all of their treatments are 30 minutes or less and priced so reasonably that any of us can do them on a regular basis.  One of the best parts is that they are powered by probiotics, a healthy way to combat all of the signs associated with anti-aging and problematic skin by building skin from the inside out.   In fact, in 2014 the American Academy of Dermatologists named probiotics the newest beauty breakthrough. 

Skin, the largest organ of the body, has its own immune system too.  Empirical data shows if we can do one thing to our skin to induce an anti-aging effect, it is to strengthen it’s immune system. Similar to ingested supplements, topically applied probiotics will do this and stimulate a reparative and proliferative response to skin cells (meaning stimulating protein synthesis aka collagen and elastin!) plus a powerfully anti-inflammatory. Being a vegan, I appreciate a healthy approach to healthy skin plus the fact that GLOSquad promotes clean living with treatments and products that are free of ingredients that can harm us, including use of known xenoestrogens that can disrupt our important endocrine and reporductive processes within the body. 
Key xenoestrogens they avoid are:·   Parabens - Parabens are defined as chemicals used as preservatives to fight bacteria and fungus in foods, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. We have a higher exposure to parabens with cosmetics/toiletries as they bypass the GI tract where they might be broken down. Studies show they may be linked to cancer and have been found in breast tumors. Most products sold in the mass market will contain parabens and many contain 3-5 different parabens.·   Phthalates - Phthalates are defined as esters of phthalic acid and used mainly as plasticizers (substances that add flexibility, transparency, durability and longevity). Most countries in Europe have banned Phthalates in their products but the FDA is still allowing the use of phthalates in many products in the US. They are used in large variety of products including personal care products, food products, pharmaceuticals, children's toys, medical devices, etc. As plastics age and break down, the release of phthalates accelerates. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors- linked to breast cancer and birth defects and may also be linked to obesity. There is also new information that links phthalates and the early on-set of menopause.·   Sulfates - Sulfates (SLS) are surfactants and found in almost all products that foam. They dissolve skin oils and damage the skins' protective layer. SLS denature proteins and cause irritation and allow environmental contaminants easier access to the lower, sensitive layers of the skin. SLS can be very irritating and have been used to create skin irritations in the labs to measure the healing characteristics of anti-inflammatory drugs. SLS can cause eye irritation which can be acute corneal damage or damage through absorption in a non-eye area. As mutagenicity, SLS has been strongly linked to cancer.·   Artificial dyes - Artificial dyes cause an increased risk of allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, behavior problems in children, increased risk of developing Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma and lymphoma. When we see hyperactive children and adults, it is suggested that by simply removing all the artificial colors from their diets often times their symptoms decrease.
But, they also have active ingredients to help with whatever skin problems you may have.  I had their GLObiotic treatment which is packed with probiotics and my skin was amazing afterwards.  I was nervous as I was on my way to dinner in the city but it was gorgeous - literally glowing!! 
If you want to help your skin in a healthy way, you should definitely go.  GLOsquad allows people to take care of their skin professionally, on a regular basis and is focused on educating clients.  They treat tweens, teens, women and men.