Get Your Bikini Body Work Outs

By Swimsuitsdirect @Swimsuitsdirect

If getting fit wasn’t one of your New Year’s Resolutions but you’re ready to get in better shape, now’s a good time to kick start that workout plan. It’s only going to get hotter, and nobody wants to feel yucky when they should be enjoying the sun, so here are a few tips and tricks to get fit for summer and finally debut that sexy bikini body!

Follow these simple steps to get ready for swimsuit season

Start Out Slow

If it’s been awhile since you’ve worked out, don’t get crazy and train like the Boston Marathon is a week away. You have to ease yourself into the working out again, so a brisk walk for a few days will prep your body for jogging and weight training.  You don’t want to over-exert and hurt yourself so take your time. You have all summer!

Exercise Daily

Yup. If you want to see real results you have to be consistent. Being active daily helps build endurance, increase metabolism (you need that for your diet cheat days!), and makes you feel good. Nobody ever regrets working out, but you will feel discouraged if you keep missing them. And it doesn’t all have to be gym related so look to your local community center for different boot camps and dance classes to try, in addition to different DVDs to work out to in the comfort of your own home. Outdoor activities like working in the garden count too! It takes 21 days to make something a habit so block out 30-40 minutes a day in your schedule and get moving!

Sweat It Out

You don’t have to work out 3-4 hours a day but you do need to break a sweat! Sweating is the body’s way of releasing toxins from your system, so whether you’re going for a short jog or doing Zumba, have a few high-intensity intervals throughout to make it count. 

Switch It Up

If you feel like you’ve reached a plateau in your weight-loss journey or the thought of going to the gym again makes you want to cry, it may be time to switch up your workout routine. Being active should always be fun, so if you’re burned out on running, try swimming or a light-weight aerobics class for a change. Zumba’d out? Grab your friends and go roller-skating. The change in exercise will jolt your muscles, and testing out different workouts will make you more likely to stick with it.

Stay Hydrated

No matter what workout you choose, make sure that you stay hydrated. Most people should consume 6-8 glasses of water a day, but if you’re working out regularly, that amount will change. If plain water is not your thing, add citrus fruits like lemon or oranges for a touch of sweetness, or cucumbers and mint for a light, refreshing detox.

Eat Clean

You can have the best workout routine in the world but you won’t see any real results if your diet is trash. A healthy, well-balanced diet is a MUST if you really want to win the battle of the bulge. You don’t have to deprive yourself (dark chocolate IS good for you after all), just remember the 80/20 rule: 80% of your diet should be fresh fruits and veggies, whole-grains & nuts, and lean meats to balance out the other 20%. Do your best to stay away from processed foods, but if you slip up, it’s ok. Just get right back on track with your next meal so that you don’t lose all of your progress!

Follow these easy tips over the next 3 weeks and you’re sure to see some results!