Get The Surfer-Babe Look in Minutes

By Thesidetalk @thesidetalk

The easy, carefree lifestyle of the wave riding beach babes translates into an effortless beauty look that we all crush over. If you haven’t spent the summer shredding it up on the beach, use this surfer chick checklist to look the part of a beach cutie.

1. Obviously any serious surfer is going to have a bronzed glow that could only come from the real deal. But here’s an expert advice on how to get golden sans sunshine. Apply bronzer in the shape of a #. Start at the temples, then slightly under the cheekbone, and finally along the jawline. As a last touch, use a dusting across the nose. This can be done with powder or liquid.

2. A day spent catching waves will undoubtedly leave a beach beauty with flushed cheeks. A rosy glow is the perfect complement to a sun-soaked complexion. Try a sheer wash of hot pink, fuchsia, or a vibrant orange on the apples of the cheeks. Cream and gel blush formulas melt into the skin creating a realistic, dewy finish.

3. No surfer babe beauty look would be complete without beachy waves. Since we spend more time at the beach in our daydreams than we do in reality, we turn to Kérastase Spray á Porter to create the salt-water-kissed texture we crave (minus the stickiness). Not sure it is available in Kuwait, but you can always order it online through Amazon.

Finish off the look with a swipe of mascara for the eyes, and add little tint for lips.

Stay gorgeous!