Get Rid of Those Annoying Facebook Cartoon Strips

Posted on the 03 November 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


One way or the other, Facebook always finds new ways to annoy its’ users. The latest method is to automatically create annoying cartoon strips that has nothing to do with users. These are generated by an app called Bitstrips. Worse part about these comic strips is that they were meaningless and weren’t even funny. A few of my friends have even blocked some of their friends because of these Bitstrips. Yes, it was that much annoying. Actually, you don’t have to do that because there’s an easier way to get rid of Bitstrips for good.

The best way to remove Bitstrips from appearing on your Timeline is to block the app. To do this, you have to go to Account Settings > Blocking. And then scroll down to the Block apps  sections and type in “Bitstrips” in the given field and hit enter. Viola! You are now free from annoying Bitstrips. Enjoy a timeline/newsfeed free of Bitstrips.