Get Ready for an Army of Internet Trolls for Hillary

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The very genuine Hillary Clinton has a nothing-to-do-with-Hillary super PAC that has amassed a $1 million war chest to hire people to troll on social media against all those very real right wing conspiracies. /sarc

Nick Bernabe reports for, that a pro-Hillary super PAC, Correct the Record, is launching a $1 million digital offensive called Breaking Barriers 2016. Here’s how the super PAC describes the campaign:

While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media.

Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram.

How do we know these are fake trolls?

Because if you are a real Hillary supporter, you don’t need to be paid to:

  • Express your support for her (“positive content”)
  • Rebut critics (“push back against attackers”)

This army of Internet trolls won’t be doing it for minimum wage, but are pros. The super PAC says:

The task force staff’s backgrounds are as diverse as the community they will be engaging with and include former reporters, bloggers, public affairs specialists, designers, Ready for Hillary alumni, and Hillary super fans who have led groups similar to those with which the task force will organize.

Already, The Intercept discovered that Hillary has unleashed “astroturfers” into the media — people with ties to Clinton who act as experts and political commentators to promote her campaign without disclosing their ties to Hillary.

In other words, if you see a talking-head on TV extolling Hillary, or you are attacked by a reader on a blog, don’t believe a word they say.

They’re hired Trolls for Hillary.

And the media tell us there are no conspiracies.
