Get-Over-the-Hump Day: Prank Backfires, [Red] Panda Scare, and What Would Penis Do?

By Moose & Michelle @LonelyTribalist

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this week to be over. Can I get my diploma and my $1 million for being alive please? And a lifetime's supply of Chipotle. That was in the pre-natal contract, right?

Anywho, here are a few videos to help get you over this hump. Enjoy!

A-Z Challenge: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[Header image source: Pixabay] animals, cute, cute animals, funny, funny videos, humor, hump day, prank, red panda, tales of mere existence, videos, Youtube