Get Misterwives-obsessed After Seeing ‘imagination Infatuation’ Live! [premiere]

Posted on the 13 September 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

If you don’t already worship NYC electro-folk band, MisterWives, it’s probably only because you haven’t seen them in action…yet. This is why we’re crazy excited to be premiering the band’s live video performance of “Imagination Infatuation”! Not only is the band super easy on the eyes and the song catchy as hell, but the energy levels emanating from this performance are beyond goosebump-inducing. We know their general sound combines musical genres, but so do Mandy Lee’s vocals, which are showcased seamlessly fusing soul and especially jazz for an especially vibrant, classic vibe. As a song, “Imagination Infatuation” has electric bones, and the trumpet player manages to jettison their sound to even higher levels. We can’t wait for you to see this!

Well, did you watch it? Are you infatuated? Yes, us too. Consider this your semi-live MisterWives initiation. Now, come out to see them legit-live with us this Saturday at Cameo Gallery! More info here, and be sure to head over to Ace Hotel’s website for a free download of the performance above!