Get Me the Frickin’ Goat!

By Torontoemerg

If only there was a magic goat.

Part of an advertising campaign from the Nova Scotia Ministry of Health Promotion and Protection aimed at reducing harm from high risk behaviours. According to the No Magic Goat website:

911 is your friend.

The goat, not so much. (She bites, for one).

She’s cute and furry, but isn’t good for much if you screw up. If the shit hits the fan, and drinking does some serious damage, no goat’s going to save your ass. So, just for the record – if something like what you see in the video goes down at a party you’re at? You might want to think of calling 911 instead of calling for a goat. Did we really have to actually say that? Yes, we did.

You can see how the notion of seeking out The Goat for difficult or impossible situations could go viral. As in “Call a code blue. Where is that damned goat?” or “ICU won’t take the patient. Get me The Goat!” In the emerg, there are many, many scenarios like this where a magical goat would be very useful.

The Goat, incidentally, has — what else? — a Facebook page.