Get Involved with Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Posted on the 23 September 2021 by Booksocial

Our Book Of The Month for September is Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid. For our online Book Clubbers we have some questions below for you to get involved with. Either answer in the comments section or use as discussion points at your next Book Club. If you haven’t read the book check out our Lowdown all about it here.

Such A Fun Age – the blurb

When Emira is apprehended at a supermarket for ‘kidnapping’ the white child she’s actually babysitting, it sets off an explosive chain of events. Her employer Alix, a feminist blogger with the best of intentions, resolves to make things right.

But Emira herself is aimless, broke and wary of Alix’s desire to help. When a surprising connection emerges between the two women, it sends them on a crash course that will upend everything they think they know – about themselves, each other, and the messy dynamics of privilege.

Discussion Points

The following are written with the presumption you have read Such A Fun Age. If you haven’t, bookmark the post and come back to answer the questions later.

  1. Initially you think ‘such a fun age’ must be referring to a child, Briar or Catherine. Yet could it be referring to Emira or Alix?
  2. Who (if anyone) is racist in the book? Is it intentional?
  3. How similar are Emira and Alix?
  4. Do you think Briar is on the autistic spectrum at all? What bonded Emira so closely to her?
  5. As you read through the book did you believe Kelley or Alex’s side of the truth? Was Kelley a good guy?

Get Involved

Feel free to answer as many of the questions as you want. Post your replies below, discuss with us on social media using @BookSocialUK, or pose some questions of your own. If you enjoyed the questions, have a go at last month’s Get Involved: Murder On Mustique.