Get Creative with Adidas Originals Facebook Timeline Cover Tool

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart
adidas Originals recently announced the release of the adidas Originals Cover Tool, giving all you Facebook users the ability to express your Originality by offering us the tools to create and customize our own Facebook cover. As it's Valentine’s Day today, adidas Originals is showing the love to all users with a special set of tools and tokens allowing you to customize your Facebook cover with everything you hold close your their heart.
The Cover Tool lets you get super creative and you can choose from a variety of items, such as illustrations, various icons, backgrounds, fonts, colors, speech bubbles and even the ability to upload your own images all in order to fully customize your own profile cover based on your own interests, style and lifestyle.
While there are a number of websites already providing wallpapers to fill personal Facebook covers, the adidas Originals Cover tool allows you to create your individual cover and best of all it is completely free of charge. Go get creative and pimp up your Facebook profile here.