Get Company Of Heroes 2 And Little Nightmares For Free On PC

Posted on the 28 May 2021 by Saraluck

There are two games available for free on Steam right now, Company of Heroes 2 and Little Nightmares. Both games are available for anyone to claim and own permanently.

Company of Heroes 2 and its standalone single-player campaign, Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault, are free to claim on Steam through Monday, June 3, as part of the games’ Free Forever Weekend promotion. Company of Heroes 2 is a World War 2 real-time strategy game that features both single-player and multiplayer game modes.

In GameSpot’s Company of Heroes 2 review, critic Kevin VanOrd awarded the game a 7.5/10 and wrote: “Its barrage of online and offline skirmishes doesn’t always hit its mark. But when it finds its target, Company of Heroes 2 delivers a loud and mighty payload.”

Get Company of Heroes 2 on Steam

Little Nightmares is also free to own on Steam right now, as part of a Limited Free Promotional Package. The game is a horror puzzle-platformer about a little girl named Six, who is trapped in an underwater vessel. Instead of having dialogue, Little Nightmares tells its story through its haunting atmosphere and environments.

Little Nightmares was awarded an 8/10 in GameSpot’s review, with critic Matt Espineli praising the game’s cat-and-mouse style chases and introspective narrative:

“The journey to reach its provocative conclusion is filled with unnerving questions and imagery that take hold of your morbid curiosities and pull you deep into introspection. While its puzzles are at times too straightforward, Little Nightmares is a chilling odyssey well worth taking.”

While it doesn’t say exactly when the promotion ends, the free version of Little Nightmares is labeled as a “May 2021” promotion, so the deal may expire at the end of the month.

Get Little Nightmares on Steam

from GameSpot – Game News