Get Better Soon – Natural Remedies for a Sick Baby

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

Well, my sweet little one got sick for the first time.  He has spiked little low-grade fevers in the past but they never lasted more than a few hours, and were almost always teething related.

If there is any silver lining when your baby is sick, it has got to be all of the precious snuggles.  My parents are in town, so I got to just sit, in the same spot on the couch, snuggling my sweet baby all day long.

Fevers ranging below 104.5 are actually a good thing – they are a sign that the body is effectively fighting either a virus or a bacterial infection, and helps to build the immune system.

Even knowing this, a fever can be scary, mostly because of how it affects a baby’s behavior.  It is actually somewhat common for little ones to have mild, harmless seizures as a result.  Thankfully, this didn’t happen, but it was in the back of my mind for sure!

Anyhow, I had to wean my Miles about a week ago (he is 13 months).  I really wanted to nurse longer, but I’ll go into my reasons for having to wean early another time.

So it really wasn’t a huge surprise when he got sick.  Having been protected by the antibodies in my breast milk for over a year, this was the first time his little body has been on it’s own.  It’s good for him to build his immune system – but I hate to see him so miserable.

Here is my “get well quick” regimen for babies:

  • Vitamin D – absolutely vital!  I quadruple or more his dosage when he is sick – giving him up to 2000 iU daily until he is well.
  • Vitamin C – this is a live powder form that I added to his raw milk.
  • Probiotics – I found a great powdered one that I added to his raw milk.
  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil – tons of beneficial properties, but it is especially helpful for overall wellness and respiratory illnesses.  You can order it HERE.
  • Bone broth – Grandma was right – chicken soup is wonderful for illness.  I make my own from pastured local chicken bones.  For more information on the benefits of bone broth as well as how to make your own click HERE.
  • Essential Oils:

Thieves – this one is fantastic to use to prevent and treat illness.  I use it in his humidifier during the night, and in the Ultrasonic Diffusers
throughout the house during the day to keep the rest of the family well.

Lavender – I mix this with coconut oil and put it on his body after a bath, as well as the soles of his feet, back, and shoulders.

I also gave him an epsom salts bath – I added lavender and tea tree essential oils.  The salts and oils help to draw the toxins out of his body.  Just be sure to watch a baby very carefully while in the bath (of course) but especially when they are running a fever, in the event that they were to have a seizure or lose consciousness.

We also did 3% hydrogen peroxide in each ear (just 3 drops, let it fizz, turn over to drain and repeat on the other side), followed by garlic ear oil to draw out infection that way.

It was beautiful outside so my sister took him out in the yard to soak up some sun for extra vitamin d and fresh air.

I am also sure to get plenty of purified water in his system.  Dehydration poses a big risk to a baby’s health, so it is imperative that a little one stay well hydrated.

I also encouraged hydration by feeding him juicy fruits like organic oranges and ripe pears, along with the bone broth and raw milk.

He ate pastured chicken, veggies, fruits, raw homemade yogurt, and a homemade superfood smoothie.

In effort to get some good raw garlic in his system (proven to be more effective than antibiotics) I gave him a version of my Terrible Tonic, which is just pureed raw garlic in a spoonful of honey.

I do very few grains with him (only soaked oats and a little spelt) but we avoid these when sick.

Alright, so, even with all of the information I have on fevers, and how they are helpful and not harmful when under 104.5, I did give him a 1/2 dose of dye-free, naturally flavored children’s fever reducer once late last night.  His fever had spiked to 103.5 and he was absolutely miserable.  I did it just simply to give him a break from his pitiful state.  It allowed him to sleep well, which he desperately needed.  This may get me in trouble with some of the “natural mamas” out there, but I think in these situations you need to judge your child’s situation and make the decision that is best for them.

He only woke up once last night…we snuggled and I gave him some water, and he was back to sleep within 30 minutes.  Today he woke up with his fever way lower, and it actually was gone by mid-morning.  This evening it came back a bit, which is normal, but I expect for him to be back to normal by morning.

I’ll continue this regimen for a few days after he is symptom-free just to help his little system to recover.

I hope this helps your littles to recover quickly when they are sick!

Below are Amazon links to some of these products:

live well. be well.