Get Access to OnenaijaBlog For Free Using Free Basics

Posted on the 12 September 2016 by Babanature @proudlyonenaija

You can get access to our website 100% free with no data required using the Airtel free basics powered by Facebook.

Yes! Onenaija blog can now be accessed over at free powered by Facebook and

Our blog is now listed over at free basics to enable people who don’t have the money to subscribe for internet data cap, browse our site totally free of charge.

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Yes, this is not a joke or a prank; you can easily access this very blog you’re reading 100% free. If you’re asking how this is possible, keep reading and i will show you how. 😉

How the free internet comes to play

Some time back, Facebook and partnered with Airtel mobile network to bring free internet service to those who don’t have the money to surf the internet.

If you are in the area where there is Airtel mobile, you can browse the internet absolutely free of charge using the free portal.

There are tons of popular sites in the free basics platform that you’ll find very interesting. Trust me; your most loved sites are all included.

Would you like to know how to get access to the free basics portal? You can get access to it through your mobile device by following or by installing the app on your phone through the Google App store.

The free basics portal can only be accessed through your mobile device only

This is how you can get access to onenaijablog through free basics

Okay, would you like to get access to our blog through freebasics? You can get us through the “Learning” section of the portal.

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Or if it’s not visible in the learning section, easily scroll down and click “Add More Free Services”.

Now, in the search menu, type in “onenaija” or “onenaija blog” and click on the Onenaijablog icon…

If done so, onenaija blog will appear at the learning section and in the most visited section of the free basics site.

Now you can easily access on the free using your mobile phone for 100% free of charge without internet access or data plan.


I believe this is one brilliant way Facebook is helping millions of people who can’t afford to pay for internet services, to have the power to still surf the net and browse their most favorite sites.

Have you listed your blog in the free basics platform? If not, what are you waiting for? And if yes, what is it like (traffic wise)?

Do drop your reply using the comment section below and let’s make the post as lively as possible.

N.B: I will be dropping a post on how to submit your post to the free basics platform very soon. So do stay close.

Let’s talk

Do you have comments, questions or thoughts you’d love to share with us? Please, do use the comment section to do so.

Remember that your comments, questions, and thoughts are highly welcomed and most appreciated.

Be social

Before you go, do not forget to share this post with your friends on your social networks so they’ll know about the good news as well. Trust me, they’ll love you for this.

Must Read: How To Get Your Blog Notice Without Stress

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