Get a Job (2016) Review

Posted on the 17 March 2017 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Life after graduating from college for Will and Jillian isn’t going at all to plan as they struggle to find the right job and must learn quickly about the real world.

I guess this is one of those films that we will all be able to relate to at one time or another. You have just graduated from college or University of those of us in the UK. You are told that you will be able to get a job with a very good starting wage, which is a big fat lie in all honesty. I struggled after graduating University to find a job, even get interviews for a job within the field I had studied. This then led me to moving across the pond to the USA.

Anyway the film takes a kinda look at that, I say kinda as it all feels false. Especially how everything seems to quickly fall into place for Will after he is rejected from a job he thought he already had sorted. Which was a little bit awkward as he had told his mother and father all about it. His father Roger was on a different journey as he was fired from his job after over 30 years at the same place, so I guess it did try to show the two contrasting journeys of father and son.

Let’s face it the reason I watched this film was because of the cast and mainly Bryan Cranston, seriously he is just great! But along with Miles Teller who has had a pretty impressive few years and Anna Kendrick whose career seems to have stalled in all honesty. But still though that is why I decided to watch this film when it appeared on Sky Cinema. The thing is though as I was watching it I started to realize why I had never heard of it and why it didn’t get a cinema release. It really isn’t very good.

Such a shame to have to say that in all honesty as it really could have been decent with the story line it was going for. It just falls short, with the drug use and the behavior of Will and the friends he shares a house with. Surely that would be more like the behavior when they were at college and now they should be more switched on? I think you would certainly hope so in real life. I guess that is something I won’t really know, maybe things in the US are very different to the UK?

We don’t really get to see as much of Jillian as Will but she does appear more switched on with everything which doesn’t really work out for her either. Maybe the actual message to take from the film is that everyone is pretty much screwed when it comes to finding a job and working. But it also shows that if you haven’t heard of a film that was released last year is always with good reason, or a bad reason in this case. Don’t rush out to watch this one anytime soon.
