Gerrer Rebbe Has Large Screen Tv Installed in Beis Medrash

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The Gerrer Rebbe had, for the first time ever, a large screen installed in the beis medrash of Gur.

source: Behadrei

The screen was installed as part of the preparations for the big Gur wedding tomorrow night of the Gerrer Rebbe's grandson. The screen is so the hassidim can watch the proceedings and see the rebbe do what he does, after experiencing a problem that last Shabbos when the rebbe got an aliya to the torah many could not see him.
The timing seems a bit suspicious to me. We all know the baseball season is winding down with playoffs starting in just a few weeks, and football season is just starting as the NFL is  underway with the first week of the new football season this week. I am not suggesting Gur fealty to the Chicago Bears or New England Patriots, or even the New York Yankees, but the timing does seem a bit suspicious..
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