German Heavy-metal Rocker Says He Was at a Snuff Party Where People Pay $100K to Watch “people” Get Killed

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

There truly is no limit to human depravity.

Snuff movies and snuff parties, where a real person is killed for entertainment, are the stuff of rumor. But now, a heavy metal rocker confirms that snuff parties are real.

Scorpions are a German heavy-metal rock band, founded in 1965. One of the world’s best-selling bands of all time, the group has over 100 million recordings sold. Ralph Rieckermann played bass and provided backing vocals for Scorpions from 1993-2003.

In this video, Riechermann was asked by TMZ if he had attended Berlin’s popular fetish parties, this was Riechermann’s response: “I went to one, one time, really bad ___.”

TMZ asked: “Was it a donkey show [human having sex with a donkey]?”

Riechermann: “No actually, I think they actually killed people there and stuff. They paid like up to a $100,000 to see people get executed. I’m not kidding.”

As if that’s not disturbing enough, Riechermann then said he’s been to an even worse party: “I went to another one, where literally I saw, like, the grossest…. I wanted to throw up.”

H/t Free Patriot Post and FOTM’s maziel

See also:

  • Satanic black-metal band throws pig’s blood; audience vomit
  • Baby in Pampers commercial makes devil sign
  • Mother Sees Satanic Messages on Children’s Television
  • Planned Parenthood supporter yells “Hail Satan” at California city council meeting


St. Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do thou,
oh Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
cast into Hell,
Satan and all the other evil spirits
who prowl about the world,
seeking the ruin of souls.
