Georgia Teacher Forced to Retire for Telling Students Obama is Not a Christian

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A middle school teacher in Dublin, Georgia, was removed from the classroom and forced into retirement because she told her students that Barack Obama is not a Christian.

On April 28, 2015, Dublin Schools Superintendent Chuck Ledbetter announced the retirement of Nancy Perry, while simultaneously apologizing to students and parents for Perry’s actions. He said:

“It is not the place of teachers to attempt to persuade students about religious or political beliefs. In doing so, the teacher was wrong and that has been communicated to her… Just as importantly, we are communicating this message to all staff of the school district.”

In March, Nancy Perry, a veteran teacher at Dublin Middle School, told her students that Obama is not a Christian and that anyone who had voted for him was not a Christian either.

A 12-year-old black boy in Perry’s class told his father, Jimmie Scott, who complained to the school board. Paraphrasing Perry’s alleged comments, Scott told WMAZ that Perry told her students, “If your parents voted for Obama, they’re evil and I don’t see how your parents could vote for someone that’s Muslim.”

Perry denies ever having made the comments and repeated the denial to a television station.

A Dublin County School Board meeting was set up to address the complaints, during which what Perry allegedly said to her students was read out loud in a complaint. The letter was then posted to the Laurens County GA Democratic Party’s Facebook page:

The teacher made several negative comments about the President, including that he is not a Christian as he claims to be. She said that any parent who supports him is not a Christian. She challenged her students to prove their Christianity.

Perry was joined at the meeting by her husband Bill Perry, who is a school board member and a former radio show host in Dublin, where his Saturday morning show touched on topics like same-sex marriage and religion. Parents saw his presence as a form of intimidation.

13WMAZ reported that Jimmie Scott said that in their meeting with Bill Perry they never discussed his wife’s “inflammatory comments made to children,” but instead they showed Scott “propaganda from the Internet.” “She [Nancy Perry] showed it to me and said, ‘See, Obama is a baby killer. He aborts babies at nine months old as they’re coming through the birth canal,’” said Scott.

A local chapter of the NAACP then stepped in and called for the resignation of Perry, along with her husband Bill, who is a long standing member of the Dublin County Board of Education. NAACP officials accused Bill Perry of “micromanaging” the schools and threatened to involve the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, an accrediting agency.

Superintendent Ledbetter said he will work closely with the Dublin Board of Education to schedule training sessions for the district’s professional staff, “ensuring that the administration, from the central office to the principal of each school, clearly and consistently communicate to teachers our expectations. We expect these subjects to become a regular part of our annual training of staff. We also intend to plan for greater emphasis within the curriculum on the contributions, history, and culture of diverse people groups.”

Ledbetter has ordered all school principals to call his office immediately when a school board member tries to get involved in day-to-day school activities. He said, “An individual board member should not participate in a parent/teacher or parent/principal conference nor should an individual board member in any way attempt to involve himself in a parental concern or a personnel matter at the school level. Again, this has been communicated directly to the board member by the board of education and made clear to the principals in our schools that this is not to be allowed. As regrettable as this incident is, we believe that we can build from it to make an even better school system for all of our children. We will continue to work to build our relationships with every student and with every family.”

Sources: Atlantic Journal-Constitution, IJReview, Daily Mail

Someone should ask Jimmie Scott how a Christian could three-times voted for infanticide, by voting against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 – a federal law, signed by President George W. Bush, which extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. Obama did just that when he was Illinois state senator.

Obama means to overturn both the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. If the latter were overturned, what will happen to babies born alive after a failed abortion? They will be left alone in a room, to slowly die from starvation and neglect.

Then there’s the fact that black babies are disproportionately aborted in the United States at a rate of 871 a day.

That’s how much of a “Christian” that Barack Obama is. /sarc

See also:

  • Obama Skipped Christmas Church Service, Again
  • Obama Says He’s Muslim
  • Pakistan Minister Asks Obama to be Leader of All Muslims
  • Former CIA agent says Obama is a Muslim and tool of Saudi Arabia
  • Radical Muslim Group Has Infiltrated U.S. Government
  • Kerry admits muslim interests drive US plan for war
  • Obama aids enemy Muslims: $ to Hamas; military contracts to Taliban/al-Qaeda
  • Muslims kill US ambassador to Libya; Hillary apologizes for hurting their feelings
  • Obama’s New Mission for NASA: Boost Muslim Self-Esteem
  • Homeland Security chief says we should ‘give voice to the plight of Muslims’ as Obama administration opens immigration floodgates to Muslims
  • We’re Broke, but Obama Welcomes 80,000 Muslim Refugees into America
