George Zimmerman: Obama Turned Americans Against Me

Posted on the 25 March 2015 by Mikeb302000

Huffington Post
George Zimmerman, the man acquitted in the murder of Trayvon Martin, said President Barack Obama turned Americans against him.
In an interview posted online Monday by his lawyer, Zimmerman argues Obama shouldn't have weighed in on his case. He said "Barack Hussein Obama" was who he blamed for what his attorney called "the highest level of unfairness" in the aftermath of Martin's death.
"President Obama held his Rose Garden speech stating, 'If I had a son he would look like Trayvon.' To me that was clearly a dereliction of duty pitting Americans against each other solely based on race," Zimmerman said.
Zimmerman said he felt "prosecuted by the federal government" because of Obama's remarks, and said he thinks someone like Obama should "not interject himself in a local law enforcement matter or a state matter."
"Instead of rushing to judgment, making racially charged comments and pitting American against American, I believe that he should have taken the higher road given his position and said -- been an example, been a leader as the president should be, and say let's not rush to judgment," Zimmerman said. "As I’m sure he would want that same luxury afforded to him if he was accused of something, and asked for calm, ask for peace."