George Zimmerman Has a Bad Day in Court

Posted on the 03 July 2013 by Mikeb302000
Yahoo News reports
Volunteer watchman George Zimmerman suffered "insignificant" injuries in the fight in which he shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, a medical examiner testified on Tuesday, as prosecutors attempted to undermine Zimmerman's claim he feared for his life.
In court on Tuesday, medical examiner Rao said Zimmerman's injuries did not involve great force and were consistent with one blow to the face and one impact with the concrete. He had a broken nose and two small cuts on the back of his head.

That's pretty much a bad day for GZ, but how about this?
Serino also said he thought Zimmerman had exaggerated his description of the blows that he claims Martin inflicted on him.
Despite Zimmerman's claim that Martin had put his hands over his mouth and nose to smother him, prosecutors have said there was no blood and none of Zimmerman's DNA on Martin's hands or clothing.