George Toy Stories*

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Christmas is once again nearly upon us which means time for the annual flurry of gift shopping. In amongst all the Christmas presents you have received over the years is there still that one you treasure above all else or that you have kept to pass on? 
George at ASDA asked me if I had ever been given something that had been passed down or was in someway significant I thought about it yes indeed I had so here is my toy story.
Many years ago when I was very young we spent one magical Christmas with my beloved Grandparents which for me was a huge treat. Both sets of grandparents lived in Somerset so we didn't get to see them that often and the trip down the M5 felt like a journey to a far away land!  I woke up on Christmas Day morning to find a huge home made Basil Brush waiting for me which was a total surprise complete with his own jacket!  He had been made by a friend of my Grandmas who worked in a shirt and collar factory and she adapted a teddy bear pattern and so he came to life!
I loved him so much and to this day I still have him but he now belongs to my son and resides in his bedroom and he is a one off! 

I adored both sets of grandparents but sadly my paternal and my maternal grandmothers passed away when I was only seven and eight and I still miss them to this day. My grandma was an amazing person and very handy with a sewing machine which meant she used to make my school summer dresses complete with huge pockets! Being a tomboy growing up these were the only dresses I actually enjoyed wearing! ! I also remember sitting and watching her put the poppies together for Remembrance day every year and even now 32 years later those poppies still remind me of her.
Even though she was only a part of my life for a short time I think about her a lot and the memories of that Christmas will stay with me forever.

My older brother, Grandma, my parents and me as a baby! 

So what will Oliver's legacy be well he loves a good Nerf  gun and ASDA were kind enough to send the Modulus for him! As you can see from his face this is rather exciting and he is amassing quite the collection. I tried to hide it away for Christmas but I couldn't keep it a secret!!  I would like to hope that one day he has someone to pass them onto who will love them as much as he does along with Basil Brush of course!! 

Do you have any good Toy Stories if so please let me know!!

*Post written in conjunction with George but all words and photos are my own.