‘Expert’ giving seal of approval actually Soros-linked activist
Scytl, the foreign-headquartered company that recently purchased the leading U.S. electronic voting firm, wants the public to know it can be trusted in the election process.
To back its claim, Scytl issued a press release last week boasting that the company continues to receive “industry expert recognition” for its election technology breakthroughs.
WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute…
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/foreign-vote-count-firm-trust-us/#zVm2USeEgEUZjil1.99
This is a long article, and deserves your time. What I think we should take away from it is that the fraud that put Obama into office twice is fully in place to make a joke of all future elections. But please, VOTE ANYWAY; don’t give away our country for free. ~TD